gdpr cyprus

GDPR / Digital Rights


Our legal consultants are fully experienced and highly skillful in providing legal advice in relation to Digital Rights. Our legal team shares valuable knowledge on Data Protection and Digital law with its clients. Our main aim is to assist both our clients and their companies to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and help them protect their digital rights online, minimizing their exposure to high penalties and any potential breaches by third parties.

Christofi, Meraklis and CO LLC, offers a team of elite consultants on cybersecurity. It identifies potential threats and offers legal advice on data protection breaches, addresses business continuity and disaster recovery matters, and counsels both individuals and businesses on legal protection primarily focusing onto the digital world.

Our team provides the following services:

  • Business Continuity
  • Client Representation to the Supervisory Authority
  • Cybersecurity mechanisms
  • Data Inventory and Mapping
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
  • Digital Copyrights and other legal rights
  • Disaster Recovery
  • DPO Support (Data Protection Officer) as a Service, in the event that you wish to outsource this position
  • Drafting and reviewing Legal Agreements such as Processor Agreement
  • GAP Analysis
  • GDPR Litigation
  • Information Security
  • Legal Advice
  • Training and Awareness

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Family Law


Intellectual property


Business Law


Lawsuits and disputes